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Last name | First name | ACTS User name | Country |
Chevallier | Stéphane | Stephane Chevallier | France |
Pei | James | James | USA |
Gutermuth | Ken | kgutermuth | USA |
Dirion | Jean-Louis | dirion | France |
Conde | José | Jose Conde | Spain |
Pei | Nick | Nick_P | USA |
Blancardi | Philippe | Philippe Blancardi | France |
Heller | Andre | Liverbirds | Germany |
Vogel | Harold | wargamer | USA |
Champer | Robert | RobC | USA |
DuBoff | Max | Max DuBoff | USA |
Nicholson | Dennis | dennisnicholson | USA |
Finkenbinder | Frederick | bigbadscrubb | USA |
Ussery | Michael | mekongtex | USA |
Tsoufis | Anastasios | Tasostsoufis | Greece |
Tow | Tim | Tim | USA |
Pacheco | Mike | Mike Pacheco | USA |
Young | George | george young | USA |
Hintikka | Jukka | Jukka H | Finland |
Rubin | David | Dave Rubin | USA |
Schaefer | Johannes | Maurikios | Germany |
Huffman | Daniel | huffman123 | USA |
Donald | Jeffrey | Jeff Donald | USA |
Buehler | Randy | rbuehler | USA |
Turian | Mike | mturian | USA |
Trifan | Andrew | Buddy2337 | USA |
Allbert | Geoff | Geoff Allbert | USA |
Mitchell | Michael | mgmitch | USA |
Miller | Jeff | Skaith | USA |
Skovse | Kasper | EvilLanister | Denmark |
Peeck | Bill | Bill Peeck | USA |
Watkins | Phil | philip watkins | Australia |
Spacek | Filip | Filip Spacek | France |
Sherwood | David | Coral | USA |
Kent | Ivan | Ivan Kent | Australia |
Licheri | Domenico | Domenico Licheri | United Kingdom |
Barth | Steffen | SteBar | Germany |
Deane | Gordon | gedeane | USA |
Corrigan | Peter | padreman55 | USA |
Kettman | Michael | MOK | USA |
Lee | Roderick | agitator | USA |
Day | Michael | Michael Day | USA |
Clocherty | John | Jockulus | Australia |
Whitehurst | Tod | Tod Whitehurst | USA |
Marchal | Dominique | Midomar | France |
Barcikowski | Jeffrey | jeffski | USA |
Georgeais | Thomas | Jibey | FRANCE |
Hicks | Greg | GNHicks | USA |
Liese | Thomas | Merchantofearth | Germany |
Squindo | Daniel | sblindo | Italia |

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